Auto Accidents(1975-2017)

Import cuxfilter

import cuxfilter
from cuxfilter import charts
from cuxfilter.layouts import feature_and_base
#update data_dir if you have downloaded datasets elsewhere
DATA_DIR = './data'

Download required datasets

from cuxfilter.sampledata import datasets_check
datasets_check('auto_accidents', base_dir=DATA_DIR)
Dataset - ./data/auto_accidents.arrow

dataset already downloaded
cux_df = cuxfilter.DataFrame.from_arrow('./data/auto_accidents.arrow')['ST_CASE'] =['ST_CASE'].astype('float64')

Define Charts

# add mappings for day of week
label_map = {
    1: 'Sunday',
    2: 'Monday',
    3: 'Tuesday',
    4: 'Wednesday',
    5: 'Thursday',
    6: 'Friday',
    7: 'Saturday',
    9: 'Unknown'

gtc_demo_red_blue_palette = [ (49,130,189), (107,174,214), (123, 142, 216), (226,103,152), (255,0,104) , (50,50,50) ]
from bokeh.tile_providers import get_provider as gp
tile_provider = gp('CARTODBPOSITRON')

Uncomment the below lines and replace MAPBOX_TOKEN with mapbox token string if you want to use mapbox map-tiles. Can be created for free here -

#from cuxfilter.assets.custom_tiles import get_provider, Vendors
#tile_provider = get_provider(Vendors.MAPBOX_LIGHT, access_token=MAPBOX_TOKEN)
chart1 = charts.datashader.scatter_geo(x='dropoff_x', y='dropoff_y', aggregate_col='ST_CASE',

chart2 ='YEAR')

chart3 = charts.panel_widgets.multi_select('DAY_WEEK', label_map=label_map)

Create a dashboard object

d = cux_df.dashboard([chart1, chart3, chart2], layout=cuxfilter.layouts.feature_and_base,theme = cuxfilter.themes.rapids, title='Auto Accident Dataset')
#dashboard object

Starting the dashboard

  1.‘current_notebook_url:current_notebook_port’) remote dashboard

  2.‘current_notebook_url:current_notebook_port’) inline in notebook (layout is ignored, and charts are displayed one below another)

Incase you need to stop the server:

  • d.stop()

await d.preview()

Export the queried data into a dataframe

queried_df = d.export()
no querying done, returning original dataframe