Fannie Mae mortgage data

Import cuxfilter

from cuxfilter import charts
import cuxfilter
from bokeh import palettes
from cuxfilter.layouts import *
#update data_dir if you have downloaded datasets elsewhere
DATA_DIR = './data'

Download required datasets

from cuxfilter.sampledata import datasets_check
datasets_check('mortgage', base_dir=DATA_DIR)
Dataset - ./data/146M_predictions_v2.arrow

dataset already downloaded

Define charts

cux_df = cuxfilter.DataFrame.from_arrow('./data/146M_predictions_v2.arrow')
chart0 = charts.bokeh.choropleth(x='zip', y='delinquency_12_prediction', aggregate_fn='mean', geo_color_palette=palettes.Purples9,
                                  geoJSONSource = '',

chart2 ='delinquency_12_prediction',data_points=50)
chart3 = charts.panel_widgets.range_slider('borrower_credit_score',data_points=50)

Add mappings for chart1

mapper1 = {}

for val in
    mapper1[int(val)] = 'l_'+str(val)

chart1 = charts.panel_widgets.drop_down('dti', label_map=mapper1)
#also available: panel_widgets.multi_select

Create a dashboard object

d = cux_df.dashboard([chart0, chart1], layout=feature_and_base, theme=cuxfilter.themes.dark, title="Ajay's Dashboard")
#add more charts
d.add_charts([chart2, chart3])
#dashboard object

Starting the dashboard

  1.‘current_notebook_url:current_notebook_port’) remote dashboard

  2.‘current_notebook_url:current_notebook_port’) inline in notebook (layout is ignored, and charts are displayed one below another)

Incase you need to stop the server:

  • d.stop()

# preview the dashboard
await d.preview()

Export the queried data into a dataframe

queried_df = d.export()
no querying done, returning original dataframe