Column functions#

legate_dataframe.lib.unaryop.unary_operation(LogicalColumn col, unary_operator op) LogicalColumn#

Performs unary operation on all values in column

Note: For decimal32 and decimal64, only ABS, CEIL and FLOOR are supported.

  • col – Logical column as input

  • op – Operation to perform, see unary_operator.

Return type:

Logical column of same size as col containing result of the operation.

legate_dataframe.lib.binaryop.binary_operation(lhs: LogicalColumn | ScalarLike, rhs: LogicalColumn | ScalarLike, binary_operator op, output_type: DTypeLike) LogicalColumn#

Performs a binary operation between two columns or a column and a scalar.

The output contains the result of op(lhs[i], rhs[i]) for all 0 <= i < lhs.size() where lhs[i] or rhs[i] (but not both) can be replaced with a scalar value.

Regardless of the operator, the validity of the output value is the logical AND of the validity of the two operands except for NullMin and NullMax (logical OR).

  • lhs – The left operand

  • lhs – The right operand

  • op – The binary operator see binary_operator.

  • output_type – The desired data type of the output column


  • Output column of output_type type containing the result of the binary

  • operation

  • ValueError – if lhs and rhs are both scalars

  • RuntimeError – if lhs and rhs are different sizes

  • RuntimeError – if output_type dtype isn’t boolean for comparison and logical operations.

  • RuntimeError – if output_type dtype isn’t fixed-width

  • RuntimeError – if the operation is not supported for the types of lhs and rhs

legate_dataframe.lib.timestamps.to_timestamps(LogicalColumn col, timestamp_type: DTypeLike, unicode format_pattern: str) LogicalColumn#

Converting a strings column into timestamps using the provided format pattern.

The format pattern can include the following specifiers: “%Y,%y,%m,%d,%H,%I,%p, %M,%S,%f,%z”.

Please see to_timestamps() for details.


Invalid formats are not checked, the format pattern must be well defined as per the C++ API.

  • col – Strings instance for this operation

  • timestamp_type – The timestamp type used for creating the output column

  • format_pattern – String specifying the timestamp format in strings

Return type:

New datetime column


RuntimeError – if timestamp_type is not a timestamp type.:

legate_dataframe.lib.replace.replace_nulls(LogicalColumn col, replacement: ScalarLike) LogicalColumn#

Return a new column with NULL entries replaced by value.

  • lhs – Operand column

  • replacement – Value to replace NULLs with (currently limited to scalars).

Return type:

Output column of output_type type without NULL entries.


ValueError – if the value is not of the correct scalar type.: