Multi-GPU with Dask-cuDF ======================== cuDF is a single-GPU library. For Multi-GPU cuDF solutions we use [Dask]( and the [dask-cudf package](, which is able to scale cuDF across multiple GPUs on a single machine, or multiple GPUs across many machines in a cluster. [Dask DataFrame]( was originally designed to scale Pandas, orchestrating many Pandas DataFrames spread across many CPUs into a cohesive parallel DataFrame. Because cuDF currently implements only a subset of Pandas’s API, not all Dask DataFrame operations work with cuDF. The following is tested and expected to work: What works ---------- - Data ingestion - ``dask_cudf.read_csv`` - Use standard Dask ingestion with Pandas, then convert to cuDF (For Parquet and other formats this is often decently fast) - Linear operations - Element-wise operations: ``df.x + df.y``, ``df ** 2`` - Assignment: ``df['z'] = df.x + df.y`` - Row-wise selections: ``df[df.x > 0]`` - Loc: ``df.loc['2001-01-01': '2005-02-02']`` - Date time/string accessors: ``df.timestamp.dt.dayofweek`` - ... and most similar operations in this category that are already implemented in cuDF - Reductions - Like ``sum``, ``mean``, ``max``, ``count``, and so on on ``Series`` objects - Support for reductions on full dataframes - ``std`` - Custom reductions with [dask.dataframe.reduction]( - Groupby aggregations - On single columns: ``df.groupby('x').y.max()`` - With custom aggregations: - groupby standard deviation - grouping on multiple columns - groupby agg for multiple outputs - Joins: - On full unsorted columns: ``left.merge(right, on='id')`` (expensive) - On sorted indexes: ``left.merge(right, left_index=True, right_index=True)`` (fast) - On large and small dataframes: ``left.merge(cudf_df, on='id')`` (fast) - Rolling operations - Converting to and from other forms - Dask + Pandas to Dask + cuDF ``df.map_partitions(cudf.from_pandas)`` - Dask + cuDF to Dask + Pandas ``df.map_partitions(lambda df: df.to_pandas())`` - cuDF to Dask + cuDF: ``dask.dataframe.from_pandas(df, npartitions=20)`` - Dask + cuDF to cuDF: ``df.compute()`` Additionally all generic Dask operations, like ``compute``, ``persist``, ``visualize`` and so on work regardless. Developing the API ------------------ Above we mention the following: > and most similar operations in this category that are already implemented in cuDF This is because it is difficult to create a comprehensive list of operations in the cuDF and Pandas libraries. The API is large enough to be difficult to track effectively. For any operation that operates row-wise like ``fillna`` or ``query`` things will likely, but not certainly work. If operations don't work it is often due to a slight inconsistency between Pandas and cuDF that is generally easy to fix. We encourage users to look at the [cuDF issue tracker]( to see if their issue has already been reported and, if not, [raise a new issue]( Navigating the API ------------------ This project reuses the [Dask DataFrame]( project, which was originally designed for Pandas, with the newer library cuDF. Because we use the same Dask classes for both projects there are often methods that are implemented for Pandas, but not yet for cuDF. As a result users looking at the full Dask DataFrame API can be misleading, and often lead to frustration when operations that are advertised in the Dask API do not work as expected with cuDF. We apologize for this in advance.